Bookmarking Documents

You can bookmark any document in the USP-NF/PF for easy access later. Bookmarked documents are saved in the Bookmarks section on your Dashboard and in the Bookmarks menu in the upper right area of your screen.


bookmarks icon and dropdown located in the top right area of the page


You can add a bookmark when viewing a USPNF document or a PF document. A bookmarked USP-NF document link goes to the Currently Official version regardless of the version that was originally bookmarked. All versions of the document display as bookmarked. In contrast, a bookmarked PF document goes to the specific version of the document that was originally bookmarked. You can easily remove a bookmark by clicking on the Bookmark icon again. The bookmark feature is inactive when you are viewing a subscription-only message as a Non-Subscribed User.

  • A Spanish NF User is seen as a free user when in USPNF. As a result, a Spanish NF User has two sets of Bookmarks - one in Spanish NF and one in USPNF.
  • For a USPNF document, all versions of that document display as “unbookmarked.”

Bookmarking a Document

To bookmark:

  1. Open a document.

  2. Click the Bookmark button at the top of the document.

    The button is highlighted, and the label changes to Bookmarked to indicate that the document has been bookmarked

  3. Your bookmark is added to the Bookmarks Tab in the Dashboard and in the Bookmarks menu.

    This screen is showing the two places where the bookmarks can be easily re-accessed: Bookmarks section on the Dashboard and Bookmarks menu on the Top Bar.

Opening a Bookmarked Document

Once a bookmark is saved, you can re-access the bookmarked document at any time.

  1. There are two ways to access your Bookmarks Either click the Bookmarks tab on the Dashboard or click the Bookmarks menu on the top right.

    This image shows the Bookmarks Tab on the Dashboard that takes you directly to your saved Bookmarks.

Note: To view all bookmarks, click View all Bookmarks option in the Bookmarks menu, which initially appears as the icon shown above.



This image shows you the Bookmarks menu. Click on the Icon to see the most recent bookmarks you've added. Clicking the "View all Bookmarks" link takes you to your Bookmarks dashboard.



  1. Select the title of the bookmark you want to view. The document opens in the document view.

This screen is showing the Bookmarks section of the Dashboard showing list of bookmarked documents.

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