Boolean Search Conditions

A Boolean search condition uses the connectors AND and OR, which allow you to search for multiple words or phrases. The AND, OR connectors specify the relationship between the words being searched and yields different search results:

  1. When using the condition AND, the search retrieves only documents containing all the search words.

    boolean search condition is done in the top search bar by inputting "AND"


  2. When using the condition OR, the search retrieves any documents containing one or more of the search words.

    boolean search condition is done in the top search bar by inputting "OR"

Note: Use only one type of Boolean connector per search. For example, the Boolean searches "acid AND citric" and "acid OR citric OR carbonate" are acceptable, but the Boolean search "acid AND citric OR carbonate" is not.

You can also use Boolean search conditions in combination with Wildcard search conditions, e.g.,? OR tab*.

Using the AND, OR Conditions

  1. In the Search box, type the first part of the search subject.

  2. Type the condition (AND, OR) you want to use.

    1. The connectors AND, OR are not case-sensitive.

  3. Type the second part of the search subject.

  4. Choose the result options from the drop-down box or press the <Enter> key to see results from all available USP-NF/PF versions.

    1. The search results are displayed.

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